Wednesday 3 November 2010

Apple Interactive Concept

After being introduced to our new project I decided that it would be a rather good idea to visit an Apple store, once in the Apple store I began looking at the Apps that were already available from the App Store to get a rough idea at what Apps were popular to the public so if my App were to put on the market it would be rather successful. (In theory). So that I know what Apps are hot and what apps are not, (Do’s and Don’ts) of creating a game app, for example if the app contains references or commentary about religious, culture or ethnic groups that are defamatory, offensive, mean-spirited or likely to expose the targeted group to harm or violence this will lead to the app being rejected. Or Apps containing pornographic material, defined by Webster's Dictionary, as "Explicit descriptions or displays of sexual organs or activities intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings", will be rejected.

With this in mind I checked out the iTunes store online to see what apps are already out there and what genre are of apps are popular for etc, puzzle, shoot them up, racing, action, adventure, arcade, board, card, casino, dice, educational, family, kids, music, role playing, simulation, sports, strategy, trivia and word. I also read the Apple’s Mac App store approval guidelines so that I knew what genre of game apps there are millions of so that I could avoid designing one. 

The most popular applications seemed to be:


Shoot them ups


Below is a link to the App store review guidelines stating what apps are hot and what apps are not!

App store review guidelines.
What makes a good mobile app?

Knowing this I began looking at the devices used to play these applications, such as the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad, it came clear that they all use touch-screen technology to detect a person’s input on the screen to interact with the phone or in this case the game application.
Link with more information about how Apple products work.
'Half life'
'Monsters Vs. Aliens'
'Destroy All Humans!'

 From looking at games and films that are already out that are based on the genre, ‘Sci-fi’ its helped me greatly in both the designing process for both the characters and the environment.  

Possible names:
Rocket Dash
Asteroid Belt
Asteroid Hopper
Asteroid Assassin
Warp Drive
Galaxy Chaser
Planet Hunter
Reason for 'Wrap Drive' being bold is because it will be the working title for the application. 

Secondary Research on current games: 

The first app that I found on the app store was Rocket Run, Rocket Run is rocket-racing game compete with CPU player. Walls from top and bottom get narrows as it close to the goal and a player should avoid colliding with top and bottom walls in order to male 1st to the goal, booster and rocket docking is essential since the CPU rocket has better performance. Higher level makes steeper changes of walls.



“Funny game with fast scroll”

“Simple but exciting”

By carrying out primary research at the Apple store and looking at the App store I started to think of what genre of game my application should be, having a fascination with space it came clear what genre my game should be. Since I knew that arcade styled and games shoot them ups were quite popular, I deiced to create an application that would incorporate all of these ideas. Knowing what game genre I was going to design, I carried about yet even more research on what games were already on the market but this time I was searching for games that would be similar to mine, here’s what I found. Quite liked the main feature of the game where you had to avoid crashing into the top and bottom whilst traveling at speed. So I thought in my iPhone Application I could use that feature but instead of having the object of avoid the top or bottom, the objective this time would be to avoid either the asteroids, space debris or the other aliens in that particular solar system trying to stop you from destroying their planet.

The second game application that I found on the App store from iTunes was Star Battalion, where you are an ace star pilot fighting against the militaristic Royalists who usurped your leader and spread fear across the galaxy. Lead the Resistance in a high-intensity space simulation filled with fierce action.


It's alright. Good graphics for the most part, multiplayer is just a little laggy and glitchy but not bad. It's just kinda boring is all; the flying physics don't feel realistic at all. For an arcade shooter it's great I guess, I just would have liked to feel like I was flying a little more, kinda like Skies of Glory- which I realize is a whole other genre of game, but that model of flight physics mixed with Star Battalion's storyline and arcade graphics would be sweet. So, this is a good game, falls a little short of its $6.99 price tag though.

Again taking features from the application and developing them to fit in with my application, this particular game would have to be the app that influenced me the most, with the whole camera angle and interface.
My Game Concept: 

You play as a little alien, your mission it is to avoid getting hit by either asteroids, space debris other aliens trying to stop you from blowing up their planet in your one manned space in order to collect or destroy planets so you can move on to the next level, each asteroid you destroy, you could be rewarded with a perk such as a health perk, another weapon, ammo or the ‘Warp Drive’ perk which will allows you with a 10 second speed boost to the ship. As you complete each level they’ll get the chance of unlocking various weapons and perks to help you in order to complete the next level. By collecting the various planets in that solar system. Each level being a different solar system As you play through the game blasting and dodging your way through different quadrants you’ll have a point system this making the game more addictive so that you’d want to play time and time again to beat your high score but be carefully as each time you progress through the game you will be introduced to a timer, if you don’t collect/destroy all the planets before the time runs out, its game over!

  Below are just a few concept design of what the Iphone application would look like:


Starting screen

Game play from outer the space ship

Character Selection Screen
Game Over!
Once the player has either collected or terminated a particular planet then a message on the game will appear on the screen.

Level Up

Conceptual drawings

Ammo, health and Warp Drive

Satellite apart of the space debris

Possible Characters

  Xonoidis are a proud, thick-skinned race mainly as they are made up of mostly metal components. The Xonoidi society is dependent on one technology: teleportation. Their home quadrant in the vast universe is the Zeta quadrant, which features in the application, there you can see their home planet, Xoni. They are notoriously laid-back, they are rapidly expanding into the universe. They are in possession of advanced technology from an ancient race.

Home Planet:      Xoni
Height              7’6”
Weight             340 pounds
Eye Slight:          Poor
Strength:            Excellent
Combat Skills:    Excellent
Air Combat:        Average


Mitars are a skeletal race similar to the Human race, with slight differences as they have prominent ears which gives them a powerful sense of hearing which makes up for their poor eye slight. The Mitar’s have more than two genders, which makes things rather complex.


Home Planet:     Winoss 
Height:               6’2"
Weight:              180 pounds
Eye Slight:         Poor
Strength:           Average
Combat Skills:  Average
Air Combat:      Average

These enormous slime-covered race herbivores which have powerful eyesight as they only have the one eye. Oulbrog’s have relatively undeveloped limbs; they discharge electricity as a weapon through their tentacles. The Oulbrog’s government is extremely corrupt most of them  are the fallen remnants of a once-mighty empire. Their world of origin is mineral-poor and has two moons. 


Home Planet:     Nu Xiu Prime
Height:               8’7”
Weight:              280 pounds
Eye Slight:         Excellent
Strength:           Poor
Combat Skills:  Average
Air Combat:      Average

To control the speed of the space ship, simple just tilt the iPhone forwards to speed up and to slow down just tilt the device backwards but remember you’re always travelling. To move the UFO left and right just lean the phone left and right. The scoring system will be shown at the top left of the screen along with your health and ammo, to choose your weapons just flick at through them at the bottom right hand side of the screen, once you’ve chosen your weapon it’ll remain there until you change it. Destroying either space debris, asteroids or hostile enemies you’ll have a locking system, that will remain green until you the player lock on to the object, once you’ve locked on the green cross fire will then automatically turn red allowing you to fire upon it, just by double tapping on the screen at what object you want to obliterate. 
             Whilst playing you’ll get the an armoury of weapons such as the Fire Ray that shots long bursts of fire to burn on coming space objects, Gamma Explosives that stick to the asteroids for about two seconds before exploding. Gigawattnator that emits a high voltage electric charge, and of course for perks you’ll unlock, Warp drive which will give you a 10 second speed boost to help you collect the planets in that particular solar system.  Ammo packs so that you can restock and a shield boosts that would act as your health if your health were dangerously low. You will receive these perks by destroying either the asteroids or the space debris that will be hurtling towards you.

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